There really isn’t one answer when it comes to marketing for your business. When you start your marketing plan you can start with some basics for a period of time and see how it goes with your numbers and the best marketing methods for your business. If you get good results with the marketing you initiate you can either expand on what you are already doing or you can add in other areas like paid advertising. Best Marketing Methods for Your Business It’s often best to start with what you know. Say that’s Facebook - or pick your favorite area. If you find posting there for a period of months is getting more business in your door, adding in even more to this strategy can expand your client base. Or you can start adding in live video or creating a group on Facebook to help expand your reach. You could also venture off to other social media platforms. You could start blogging and sharing that. Paid Advertising
If you move into paid advertising it’s best to learn the back end of how Facebook advertising works. You can jump right into it, but you might not see results. It’s a bit of a complex process to advertise on social media. You will need to learn another skill if you plan to run ads for your business yourself. You can take a course to learn to advertise. Things often change as well in this area, so staying in that courses group will be important to continue to learn. Analytics Tracking your efforts will help you understand what is going on with your results and you can easily see what is working. This doesn't mean you should scrap the stuff that brings in lower results, however. Some numbers aren’t recorded. For example, some people will see your post but not like it or comment or share it. But, they might look to your for your business expertise anyway. Just having a presence can be helpful. This is why it’s important to review your marketing on a regular basis. Stuff changes. You want to know how to change with it or adjust your plan to get the best results. Start Small With Your Marketing I find starting small, reviewing regularly and either expanding or changing your marketing strategy is the best way to grown your business. You need to work each area you try to make sure it's either working for you or it isn't. And, when I say that I mean work each area, adjust those areas that aren't working and work them again. Some people will get results right away. Some won't. If this is something you really want, try different things. Don't beat yourself up if it doesn't happen right away. This is more common than you might think. It can take a lot of time and effort to find the right method for your business. If you can adjust and keep at it you should find success! A Quickie From My Experience I started out on Facebook. I got some results in groups right away. I am still with these clients many years later writing and doing some social media content creation and moderation. I also acquired a few clients from networking and referrals. I never found any luck with Instagram. This platform just isn't where my clientele hangs out. No big deal. I worked it for a year and then left. I started a YouTube channel, but got busy with other angles. I will come back to that platform. I found good success on LinkedIn and now I am on Quora, Medium and Twitter as well. It takes time. Take the time. And try to have fun! Comments are closed.
Content Creation and Business Writing Specialist
I'm Jennifer Ressmann with Voiyoo Business Writing. You've been thinking about how to get more exposure for your business! Now we can make that happen. My job is helping you... with your business marketing & brand awareness. People are looking Online for you and your expertise. Make sure you're out there and you look good! I work providing relief for you and your business by creating content for your blog and marketing or lead funnels. Let's make sure you're out there and getting noticed! 😀👍 Get Your Starter Marketing Kit - Start Your Marketing Today!
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