If you have been considering incorporating email marketing into your business marketing I think it’s a great idea. You’ll be able to build a relationship with your customer and meet them right at their inbox. Email marketing reaches people that have already proven that they are interested in what you have to offer. Bam! This is the key component to why email marketing works better than so many other types of marketing. One of my favorite stats by GetResponse, the email marketing tool, is: “More than 8 out of 10 people will open a welcome email, generating 4x as many opens and 10x as many clicks as other email types.” How fantastic is this! Just a welcome email will garner a lot of email opens. Can your social media marketing compare to this?
Some people think email marketing is outdated and doesn’t work anymore. But, it’s a marketing tactic that’s still vital and helpful for many businesses. This is one of my favorite stats from HubSpot, “More than 8 out of 10 people will open a welcome email, generating 4x as many opens and 10x as many clicks as other email types.” That’s good to know, huh? A pretty powerful stat! How To Create An Effective Email Marketing Campaign
Most businesses can benefit from email marketing. From hardware stores, to car washes to plumbers. Keeping in touch with prospects and customers can continue to expand your brand, bring in more leads and make more sales. And, it's not too complicated. It does take time and some know how, but having a plan and schedule can help keep your email marketing campaign on track. Narrowing down some details and using good writing can help bring home an effective email campaign for your business. Email marketing is great for businesses big and small for many reasons. Whether you are looking for ways to work your marketing on a budget or increase your brand awareness, email can fill this position….and offer so much more. Why Is Email Marketing Important For Business?
Building your business and brand awareness has changed over the years. It's time to take a grab at the new stuff that is out there to marketing your brand with. You are doing the social media marketing, you've done some cold calls, and started working in networking to your marketing strategy. Now it's time to explore the next great thing for your business. Marketing is great for so many reasons. One of the biggest is because it gets your name out there and makes you familiar to your market. Now you can take the opportunity to speak directly to them on your terms. 8 Benefits to Building an Email List
The importance of a mailing list. You're list is yours. If everything else tanks for whatever reason - you still own your mailing list! 1. With all the marketing avenues available today for promoting your work and collecting leads - Email newsletters and communicating with your email list - often outperforms the other areas of marketing. 2. If you don't build a list you're leaving leads on the table for someone else. If you don't build a list you're leaving a community of people without the information they could use. |
Content Creation and Business Writing Specialist
I'm Jennifer Ressmann with Voiyoo Business Writing. You've been thinking about how to get more exposure for your business! Now we can make that happen. My job is helping you... with your business marketing & brand awareness. People are looking Online for you and your expertise. Make sure you're out there and you look good! I work providing relief for you and your business by creating content for your blog and marketing or lead funnels. Let's make sure you're out there and getting noticed! 😀👍 Get Your Starter Marketing Kit - Start Your Marketing Today!
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