Ha! Who is that appearing in a purple wig and tie?? TOOL # 1 MY PHONE(S) I used to use a tiny inexpensive Samsung phone when I first got started. It was what I have and really small compared to what I have now. I think I shocked the TMoblie guy that I could even use that little phone for what I do for a living! Ha!! Since then I have updated, but I stayed on a budget. I saw no reason to spend more than I needed. 2 or 3 years from now ya gotta do it all over again anyway! Ha!! I invested in a LG Stylo. And it’s awesome. Especially for being in the lower price point. It has a big screen, runs fast and even has a built in stylus. It takes good video and photos. Fantastic! I hope they continue to make this series… I've been very happy. I also keep my old phone and my husbands old phone around to use as a camera, take videos etc. It’s nice to just have them laying around and ready to go! TOOL # 2 MY STAND UP DESK Love this thing too! Yes! It is an essential part of my office set up. I looked at a number of options: adjustable platforms that you put on top of an existing desk, a makeshift desktop made from items you already have, and lots of expensive crank type or electric type desks. And then my husband stumbled across this beauty! He found it at Costco and it's awesome. It's electric… so that’s really wonderful. It's white - so it goes with my office furniture. It's sturdy and was inexpensive! What is not to love?! I stand for my morning work and sit in the afternoon (or when I am writing a lot) Pin the image above to Pinterest for easy reference for later!! TOOL # 3 APPS! I try to keep it to a minimum when it comes to apps. I will try some and if I don't love it I will quickly uninstall. You can easily fill up your devices with apps you wind up not using. So which ones do I love? Well, the one I'm working on right now is from the Google series which I'm sure a lot of you use. It’s Docs and I like to write almost exclusively on it. I write my blog articles on it. I right my Instagram posts on it. I use it for client work. I really use it all around for just about all my longer writing. The main reason I work with this platform is because it’s super easy to share with clients, too, who are already using this platform. And, it easily syncs with all of my devices. Another favorite reason is the fact that I can use the Speaking Tool and speak all my blogs articles before I edit them. Fantastic! I also love the the Plain Notebook App that came with my phone. It wasn't anything special. I didn't download any particular app. I like to keep my hashtags on it for easy access. Sometimes I'll even jot down a post in there. And, I also keep our weekly/monthly meal plans in here. I find it’s easy and it works great on a budget! I use Dropbox for my image and video storage, Google Sheets, and Google Calendar, Quicktime and iMovie for creating YouTube Videos, and an app called Randomness. This one is actually a favorite freebie I had a hard time finding. It creates random passwords in various sizes. Love this thing! It will also let you make other decisions by rolling the dice, flipping a coin and more. Fun! And that actually kind of sums it up for your basic business type of apps. Most were included with my computer or phone. If you’re working on a budget - you don’t need to spend much to get a great set up. When it comes to social media and posting content and adjusting my images and video, I use buffer to schedule and kind of plan out my my posts for Instagram. It's easy and it's free for small numbers of accounts. If anybody has any questions on using buffer on your devices, please reach out I'd be delighted to give you any information I can. I also use a variety of video and photo apps. This is probably the largest section selection of apps that I have. I don't know of one app that does everything when it comes to video and photos. A lot of them do different things and you pick and choose from the techniques you like. I've written an entire article on many of the apps that I love and use for Instagram and that friends who are also in the industry love. You can find that over here as a featured article on the Social Media Managers School Website. ( I was honored to be chosen to write this piece and I think you'll find it super helpful when you're looking for Instagram apps) TOOL # 4 MY PLANNER I actually designed my own planner. And, it actually took me maybe a year to design and create it to work the way I need. I knew some of the direction I wanted to take it in but it took some… you know… molding and finessing and redoing and adjusting and actually just last week I finished the layout for it! It finally came together and I absolutely love how it eases my life! I find my job is complicated and complex. It’s also time consuming and can get messy quickly. I needed something so when I come to my desk in the morning I didn’t wonder “no what should I be doing”. That drove me a little nutty. It includes a breakdown for my entire quarter, week and day. It also includes a breakdown for each of the platforms I'm on, the articles I'm writing, the videos I’m doing, etc. And in the back it also has a bunch of different sections for things that are important to my business like strategy and services that I provide information on. It also has a nice plastic folder that I attached to keep papers and magazine clippings that I come across and collect overtime that I want to create content about. I stuff all that in there because otherwise it's just collecting dust on my desk and getting shuffled around…. And you got it… driving me nutty! I love to work on a budget and I love to reuse items that I have. I will give you a brief overview of it I'm going to go more in-depth with this planner in another article and probably a short video series. But it's like a planner on steroids. It’s a 3 ring binder with a zipper - so nothing falls out when I take it with me… wherever! I have it section off as I need and I reuse old manila file folders as dividers. I think the whole thing cost about 30 bucks. TOOL # 5 A LITTLE WORKOUT EQUIPMENT My Stay Fit Tools! I now keep some workout equipment at my desk. For many years I had a job where I was physically active all day. And when I decided to switch careers after 20 years, I found that I gained like 10lb in the first year! And I could not get rid of the weight the traditional ways that other people were getting rid of it. Or through ways that I had in the past. I couldn't stay as fit as I had in the past. I found it very sad and had to take what I call... drastic measures!! So I bought myself a mini elliptical - I guess you call it a stair stepper. I have my can of bush beans - the one pounder that I use while I’m just standing around reading at my desk, watching videos, or on the phone. And I got this this lovely set of massagers for your feet! Cuz I'm standing a lot at my desk and I do use my stand-up desk at least half of the day. It's nice to take care of your feet because they are so important. There’s a wrap up of some of my favorite business and office tools. We didn’t even talk about computer, sound or lighting equipment. We’ll leave that for another day. Come and say hi over on Instagram - tell us some of your favorite business of office tools!! WHAT CAN I DO TO HELP YOU?? And lastly, and most importantly... what can I do for you?? Honestly, what do you need help with in your business? I've been in business for myself for over 20 years. I've mostly been in a business of one. I really really enjoy it and I've had my ups and downs of course. And I've also gone door-to-door. I've done publication advertising and now I'm really lucky to be able to do social media advertising and marketing. I even do my networking online! Visit the Marketing Services Page! I'd love to help you get your Marketing all together! Contact me with your questions, suggestions, ideas, anything you'd like me to help you out with or answer. Have a great week and we'll see you next time! HI! I'M JENNIFER. Thanks for following and reading the Ultimate Marketing for Realtors® Blog here at Voiyoo! I'm here to make life easier for Real Estate Professionals - working to guide your online marketing to create more brand awareness and engagement. Together we will direct your message across online platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube as well as with your Content Planning, Strategizing and Creating!
Check out the rest of the website: Voiyoo Social Media Management Find Me Around the usual Hangouts & Message Me on Instagram! It would be so fun to work together!
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Content Creation and Business Writing Specialist
I'm Jennifer Ressmann with Voiyoo Business Writing. You've been thinking about how to get more exposure for your business! Now we can make that happen. My job is helping you... with your business marketing & brand awareness. People are looking Online for you and your expertise. Make sure you're out there and you look good! I work providing relief for you and your business by creating content for your blog and marketing or lead funnels. Let's make sure you're out there and getting noticed! 😀👍 Get Your Starter Marketing Kit - Start Your Marketing Today!
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