SERVICE #1 - YOUR PLANNING AND STRATEGY Planning is what changed it all for me. Planning is actually quite exciting. Because this is what can be the pivoting point for your business, for your marketing, for your... whatever. When you take the time to sit down and plan out all the areas of your business, all the areas of your marketing, all the areas of your day... oh, you really start to run your own show. This is when the show stops running you! This is when your day stops going haywire. This is when you get a grip and you get a handle on running your business. Exciting! This is one of the best ways I can help you. I talked with a lot of people who spend their day scrambling, not knowing which direction to go in. Panicking that they're not doing the right things. Feeling overwhelmed. Maybe even wondering if they are cut out for this running your own business thing. Planning together is something I'm really great at. And I love to help you put together your plan and a schedule and a strategy to move you forward in your business. To move your goals ahead. Maybe just to figure out your goals. We can meet for a consultation and see if this is a great fit and move you forward! I talked a lot more about this last time. Swing over and check out that article, too! Very helpful. SERVICE # 2 - YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING & MANAGEMENT Your social media marketing. First of all you know you need to be on “there”. You know you need to have a Facebook page. Maybe you're considering Instagram and YouTube? I know what a realtor should have as their main focus when it comes to social media. I spent the last year actually studying this for your industry - Real Estate. I found that a great way to start off is to stop being everywhere, stop thinking you need to be everywhere, stop trying to learn every darn thing. Start with one platform... like many people talk about. And I recommend you start with Facebook. It’s the platform with the most active followers, still. You've probably got something going on there already…. So we can tinker with this and make it better. We can make it more focused and set up for your business. Then we can move into a number of other platforms that I think are important for Realtors. Instagram for one. YouTube for another. And while it's not social media technically - blogging can be very vital and important for Realtors. Some people think Blogging is a dead art. But, blogging can help boost your credibility and experience as an expert. I love to start Realtors off with a good platform and marketing review. Always start from where you are and build on that. What is it that you need? I can give you good tips. I can give you good guidance. Check out the page that talks all about Your Social Media Management Needs! Pin the image above to Pinterest for easy reference for later!! SERVICE #3 - YOUR CONTENT Your content. Your content is pretty much the basis for everything you do. When you have a good bunch of content in your content coffer, you have all you need to draw from. This is your knowledge this is what you are sharing with the world what you know. This is what you can constantly talk about in your marketing. So just think, you have no content, you've written nothing, you're talking about nothing, you've posted no pictures about anything. You have nothing going on. What do you share with your people? What do you tell the world you're good at? What do you tell your community you can help them with come up? Can you see where I'm going with this? If you want to talk to your community…. About how you can help them with their home sale or purchase. What's going to make them believe you? What's going to make them think you know what you're talking about? What’s going to make them like you? Being able to provide content for your clientele is actually a gift. Think about it 10 - 15 years ago you had to send out a postcard with a little bit of information on it and nice picture, maybe a house that you sold in the area and that was maybe it. Billboard. Door to door. Maybe a newspaper article or a ad? That's great! But now you can really expand on that. Now you have these platforms where you can tell the world all these great things you can help them with. That’s so awesome! They have been waiting for you to share your knowledge. And now you have a away to do that. So, I hope you'll take advantage of that and set aside a bunch of time to create it and share it. I can also help you with your Content Creation. Once we start working on your strategy and your planning we can get together and plan your content. You won't again be scrambling or wondering at the last minute what the heck you're going to write about. Or when. It's probably one of the easier plans you will make. Cuz you probably have a lot of ideas! If you just took the time to sit down and write them all out - just the ideas - and then you can build on them later. Maybe you don't have time to do any of those things cuz you're really cranking out a lot of other marketing or showings. I can help you behind the scenes writing content and posting for you. Let me help you pull it all together! Visit The Content Creation Page for more information! SERVICE # 4 - SOON TO COME... YOUR FACEBOOK ADS And soon to come… Social Media Advertising. Just think about it as any other kind of advertising. It might not be in the budget to run something on TV or on a bus stand or even in a newspaper. But with social media ads like Facebook - you can get more for your buck. You might have even tried running Facebook Ads for yourself, but not had much traction. You might have had other people in your brokerage that have explored Facebook ads and come up short. I can help you get a better handle on this. It seems easy… just push the boost button, right? But there is a lot of stuff in the background that we can review. Help get you better coverage in your Market and better hone in on what works for you. Sometimes it takes a specialist to guide you in the beginning. Soon, I will also be able to offer this Facebook Advertising service to you. I am working towards my Facebook Advertising Master Certificate with Andrea Vahl. It’s an intense course that only opens a few times a year. I will come away with this skill so I can provide you with top-notch Facebook Advertising. Please inquire and let me know if this is something you will be interested in… in the near future! WHAT CAN I DO TO HELP YOU?? And lastly, and most importantly... what can I do for you?? Honestly, what do you need help with in your business? I've been in business for over 20 years. I've mostly been in a business of one. I really really enjoy it and I've had my ups and downs of course. And I've also gone door-to-door. I've done publication advertising and now I'm really lucky to be able to do social media advertising and marketing. I even do my networking online! Visit the Marketing Services Page! I'd love to help you get your Marketing all together! Leave me your questions below, suggestions, ideas, anything you'd like me to help you out with or answer. Have a great week and we'll see you next time! HI! I'M JENNIFER. Thanks for following and reading the Ultimate Marketing for Realtors® Blog here at Voiyoo! I'm here to make life easier for Real Estate Professionals - working to guide your online marketing to create more brand awareness and engagement. Together we will direct your message across online platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube as well as with your digital marketing: Newsletters, Emails and Blogging.
Check out the rest of the website: Voiyoo Social Media Management Find Me Around the usual Hangouts and Message me on Instagram!
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Content Creation and Business Writing Specialist
I'm Jennifer Ressmann with Voiyoo Business Writing. You've been thinking about how to get more exposure for your business! Now we can make that happen. My job is helping you... with your business marketing & brand awareness. People are looking Online for you and your expertise. Make sure you're out there and you look good! I work providing relief for you and your business by creating content for your blog and marketing or lead funnels. Let's make sure you're out there and getting noticed! 😀👍 Get Your Starter Marketing Kit - Start Your Marketing Today!
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