Spending money in your business can be a personal decision. What to spend it on is also a strategic one. How much should be delegated for what can be a crapshoot. It can be confusing and difficult to decipher what to spend your business money on.
Marketing is one of the areas you might be wondering about. “How the heck do I know how much to spend in this area?” And, “I didn’t even know there was any thought on the subject of marketing budgets!” So, we are going to talk about it today. Because yes, putting a budget to the specific areas of your business can help delineate your cash flow and decipher the best places to direct your funds towards. What am I saying? Decide how much is appropriate to spend on your business marketing. Decide how you’re going to decide how much you should spend on your marketing. LOL! Building a brand for your business can mean so many things. One thing for sure, being consistent with your brand across your platforms and with your message is a good way to develop it. When you build a business you want to stand out and be recognizable. When someone sees something great that you are attached to like a website or an article, you want them to quickly comprehend that it’s from you. You want them to quickly relate your branding with that content.
Another way of putting it is everything looks the same across the board when you are online or off. Your logo is consistently the same, you are always represented by the same select grouping of colors and type styles. The shapes you choose for any graphics or designs should also tie into your branding look. When you pop up online your brand should be consistent and cohesive across the board. BRANDING AS YOUR MESSAGE Other areas where branding can come into play for your business is with your mission and your message to your community. Are you the discount painting service in your location? If you have chosen to make this the message for your brand then you need to talk about this as a benefit to using your group. If this is something you want to be known for then you need to communicate this with the public. Incorporating it into your marketing and tag lines is a great place to start. Are you struggling to start creating video for you business?
Do you want to start a YouTube channel but just don't know how to? Don't even know why you should?! This is day one for restarting my channel for my business. My goal and my job for my business is to help you get more business for your business! Let's do this! Find more videos about starting your YouTube channel over on my Voiyoo YouTube Channel And, follow me on Facebook for my Live Video about Marketing and Video! I am talking with you today during the pandemic of 2020. And, you might be wondering what you should be doing for your business during this crummy time. Yes, it’s a downturn in the economy. And, yes, it’s different from other economic issues we have gone through in our lifetime. But, business is still going on. And, you can research it, but businesses that make it out of downturns and do well are often the businesses that continue to keep marketing.
You might be thinking, really? “Should I be marketing at all?” For one reason or another, you might be asking yourself if it’s worth your time or money, if it’s appropriate when others are hurting to spend you energy talking about your business or even celebrating what you have to offer to others. But, I’m here to tell you now is the perfect time to be marketing your business. Like I pointed out earlier. The businesses that made it out better than others were the ones that continued to market right through the rough patches. Right through the hard times. Right through the rocky periods. How does the song go? “If you’re going through hell, keep on going, don’t slow down, if you’re scared don’t show it, you might get out before the devil even knows you’re there!” That’s just fantastic isn’t it! Who would have thought Rodney Atkins was talking about the business world?! Now. There. You see marketing is still important to your business even during the crap times. So, on that note, where should you focus your business efforts. You have a lot of options. Like direct marketing like fliers and postcards, social media marketing, video marketing, email marketing or my favorite…. blogging. And, you can certainly aim for some of them. But, blogging is your primary key foundation to all your marketing. It’s one of the big reasons I like it and why I always encourage all businesses to start here. So now you’re asking yourself, what’s the big deal about blogging. Isn’t that already old school marketing stuff? Pthhhh…. Just because it’s been around a long time doesn’t mean it’s dead. It’s still around because it’s tried and true and proved to be valuable to marketing and educating your customers. Stuff is going to happen right? Crisis comes to everyone. From things we saw coming to things we didn’t. It’s probably never going to be easy to get through it. But, it’s good to be prepared as much as you can so the impact is as minor as possible.
It’s also important to understand what you should continue to do with your home service businesses and what you can put on the back burner until the crisis has passed. The one thing I like to talk about most is marketing and how that should continue and stay on the forefront of your business actions. One of the top things you should continue to do for your business during any sort of crisis is marketing. Getting noticed and gaining brand awareness should never go quiet for your business during a town period. Yours or the worlds. From illness like COVID-19 (coronavirus 2020), to economic recessions, to issues in your own family. Staying in front of people's eyes is always a good idea. What is Marketing? Another way to put this is what does marketing mean to you and your business? Maybe you are new to marketing or new to building a business? We are going to talk about what marketing is all about today!
Over the years, marketing has changed its meaning. I could get into that, but, do you really care about that? Or should I just get into it?! Let's get into it! Modern Marketing for Your Small Business Yes, marketing for your business can mean a number of different things these days, but a modern approach to marketing for your small business is to think of this business task as something you do to: 1. Educate your audience or potential customers 2. Create Trust with these same people and 3. Build Awareness of your business with your community. As a House Painter, you have many goals for your business: painting great houses, making homeowners and business owners happy, making great connections with your local community and just making the world a better place, right?
Well, in order to paint the world better, you need leads and painting contracts. So, how do you get these? How do you get more House Painting business? First, you need to find people that need your services. So, let’s go out and spread the word that you are here to help them with their Home Painting needs. TARGETING AND SPECIALIZING A great way to build your customer base is through targeting a specific group of customers. When I was considering painting as a business for myself (I needed a business that I could travel with and had to go a different direction, but I have painted my share of houses), I always thought I would focus on ranch style homes and single story businesses. I am not a big fan of carrying around big ladders. You’ve been a house painter for a little while now. You’ve painted all your friend's houses. You’ve painted all your family's houses. You’ve painted all your neighbor’s houses.
While some of these folks might need to have their houses repainted by now - because you did their house a number of years ago. Some will not be repeat customers until some time in the future. And, now you are wondering how to get more customers for your House Painting business. How are you going to keep the customers coming to you? What’s exciting is that you have many options when it comes to marketing and getting the word out about your small business. There are traditional ways to get your message out and there and there are digital and social options to spread the word about how awesome your House Painting Business is! Are you considering advertising for your House Painting Business? Maybe you've decided to place some ads on Facebook? Or in your local newspaper or mailers? There are a few things to think about before you start designing. And consider that it will take a little time to sketch something out so it sounds good.
Marketing for your House Painting Business is a great way to connect with your community and your prospects. Even if people don't buy from this ad right away, it can certainly be something they will hold onto for when they are ready to paint their house. YOUR TARGET MARKET AND SPECIALTY We've talked a little in the past about your target market and your specialty (I can link up to that post for your article). if you haven't yet decided on your specialty, now is the time to focus your attention on who you would like to work for. Homeowners and businesses are looking for House Painters and Painters for their businesses all the time. Sometimes they will ask around. But when they don't find someone through their neighbors, they will turn to advertising and marketing looking for the best person to help them with their painting job.
Even if they do find a house painter through a referral, potential customers will often look for your online first before calling just to see what you are like. If they've also seen your advertisements around town in newspapers or magazines or on flyers they received, they will remember you. It will start to click and they will consider someone they recognize for their house painting. Advertising is going to cost money and you will need to set aside a portion of marketing and advertising dollars in your budget. Whether you do it yourself or you have someone help you, you need to try some things out to see what brings in leads and provides good brand awareness for you and your house painting business. PAINTING COMPANY ADVERTISING You can place an ad in the newspaper. These advertisements can vary in size and cost. They will go out to the people that subscribe to that newspaper. So if some of the neighbors do not subscribe they will not get the opportunity to see your advertisement. |
Content Creation and Business Writing Specialist
I'm Jennifer Ressmann with Voiyoo Business Writing. You've been thinking about how to get more exposure for your business! Now we can make that happen. My job is helping you... with your business marketing & brand awareness. People are looking Online for you and your expertise. Make sure you're out there and you look good! I work providing relief for you and your business by creating content for your blog and marketing or lead funnels. Let's make sure you're out there and getting noticed! 😀👍 Get Your Starter Marketing Kit - Start Your Marketing Today!
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